Thursday, June 21, 2018

100 Years Ago: Preparing for Gas Attacks

From The History of Base Hospital 50:

"On June 21st, several experts in gas drill, some being British Army officers, arrived from Camp Fremont, and, for five days, gave instructions to officers and men in the use of gas masks. Actual experience with gas was given each man in a gas tent especially erect for this purpose in camp."

"Ready for the gas"
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, PH Coll 387. 

  1. Seattle Daily Times, July 7, 1918, pg 7.

Friday, June 1, 2018

100 Years Ago: High-Class Men Wanted!

Seattle Daily Times, June 4, 1918, page 2.
On June 1, 1918, while the men were receiving training at Camp Fremont, near Palo Alto, California, Dr. Eagleson received the news that Base Hospital 50 would be increased from a 500-bed hospital to 1000 beds. This necessitated an increase in the number of enlisted personnel from 100 to 200 and an increase in officers from 25 to 35.

The increase in personnel was to come from a transfer from Camp Kearney. However, Eagleson thought that they would not integrate well so he went back to Seattle and enlisted an additional 50 men; nevertheless, the Kearney men were still transferred.

Seattle Daily Times, 
June 5, 1918 page 5.
Eagleson ran newspaper ads seeking "high-class men" for enlistment, encouraging those interested to visit his home at 902 Boren Avenue June 5-7th. Eagleson's home was located on Seattle's "First Hill", so-named because it was the first development after early settlers moved out of the original townsite. The grand turreted home in the lower left-hand corner of the postcard below is believed to be that of Dr. and Mrs. Eagleson.